How Do I Change My EBT Card on Instacart


Changing your EBT card on Instacart is a simple process that can be done in a few easy steps. Whether you need to update your card due to expiration, loss, or any other reason, follow these instructions to ensure your new EBT card is ready to use on the Instacart platform.

1. Log in to Your Instacart Account

First and foremost, you will need to log in to your Instacart account using your username and password. Make sure you have access to the email address associated with your account as well.

2. Navigate to Your Account Settings

Once logged in, locate the “Account” or “Profile” section on the Instacart platform. This is where you can view and update your personal information, including your payment methods.

3. Remove the Existing EBT Card

Within the payment methods section, find the option to manage your EBT card details. You should see your current card information displayed – select the option to remove or delete this card from your account.

4. Add the New EBT Card

After removing the old card, you can now add your new EBT card details to your Instacart account. Enter the card number, expiration date, and any other required information accurately to avoid any payment issues during checkout.

5. Verify and Save Changes

  • Double-check the information you entered for your new EBT card to ensure accuracy.
  • Once verified, save the changes to your account settings to update your payment method successfully.

6. Test Your New EBT Card

Before placing any orders on Instacart, it’s a good idea to do a test transaction to confirm that your new EBT card is working correctly. Add a small item to your cart and proceed to checkout to ensure your payment is processed without any issues.

In conclusion, changing your EBT card on Instacart is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few quick steps. By following these instructions, you can update your payment method and continue using your benefits to order groceries online conveniently.